  Gold Coast

  Sunshine Coast
  Wide Bay

H.O.T.Y. - Current
H.O.T.Y. - History

New Seedlings



2013 AGM | 2014 AGM | 2015 AGM | 2016 AGM | 2017 50th AGM | 2018 AGM
2019 AGM | 2020 AGM | 2021 AGM |
2022 AGM | 2023 AGM | 2024 AGM


Executive and Other Positions for 2024-25


Shirley Howie


President: Don Hill - Phone 0473 068 599
Vice - President: Graham Keatley - Phone: 0417 891 099
Secretary: Donna Lavin - Phone: 0418 494 460
Assistant Secretary: Ida Dagan - Phone: 0439 524 512
Treasurer: Donna Lavin - Phone: 0418 494 460


HOTY Co-ordinator: Wally Morgan
HOTY Evaluators:
Wally Morgan, Brian Cheers, Lee Bettridge, Chris Noble, Ted Herbert, Mal Richardson.
Stationery Co-ordinator
- Donna Lavin
Points Scorer - Don Hill
Web Master
- Wally Morgan - Phone: 4121 2059
Editor "The Hibiscus"
- Donna Lavin
Mailing Officer
- Dee Fletcher
Membership Secretary
- Marilyn Hill
- Don Hill

 Branch Delegates

Brisbane - Marilyn Hill
Wide Bay
- Joy Hatton

on Saturday, 20th July at the Park Ridge Tavern

There were about 30 members and friends attending. President Don Hill welcomed everyone and then declared all positions vacant and asked Wally Morgan to chair the election of officers.

Needless to say, most positions were filled by the current holders with one exception, Ida Dagan is to be assistant secretary to Donna Lavin as secretary.

Other business created a change in the rules for HOTY - hybridizers themselves can now nominate two blooms per year that are recently hybridized and they must provide plants or wood that can be grafted to be distributed to the evaluators. Wally Morgan has offered to graft that wood and he is the new HOTY co-ordinator and will distribute the plants. A sub-committee will select up to five plants for evaluation over the next three years.

2027 was the sheduled selection year which was missed with the death of the previous co-ordinator and may have to become 2028. It will be up to the evaluators whether they can get this year's selection ready for 2027. Time will tell.

The HOTY winner for this year was "Bazza" bred by Ida and Keith Dagan. It was decided without evaluation this year.

The dinner was a credit to the Tavern - all were well fed!


Ida Dagan (with Keith) accepts the HOTY Trophy for Hibiscus of the Year for "Bazza" - Alibi x Tahitian Dragon, Overall Points Collector and Hybridizer of the Year from AHS President, Don Hill.
Ida Dagan with her Life Membership certificate. Donna Lavin accepts the Natrakelp Perpetual Trophy for service to the Society for the year
Our new Patron, Shirley Howie with Wally Morgan Murray and Kristen Fraser receive the Trophy for being the Champion Novice Exhibitor
Marion Head with the  Champion Singles Trophy Marion Head with the Trophy for Floral Art
Dee and Len Fletcher with the trophy for Less Than 100 Plants Dee Fletcher receives the Memento of the 2023 Floral Art Trophy
Marion Head receives the Memento of the 2023 Less Than 100 Plants award Don Hill fuelling up for the meeting,
Other pictures from the meeting
Follow the arrow, folks! Wally Morgan inviting nominations for the executive. Looks like a "hard" sell!!
Dee and Len Fletcher Len with Ida and Keith Dagan
Teresa Morgan showing Graham Keatley some of the Morgan flowers in Wally's album.
Our new Vice-President Graham Keatley and Jackie Keatley Chief gopher, Ella Lavin ready to present Ida Dagan with her flowers.
Marilyn Hill Mervyn and Sherryl Mison
Murray and Kristen Fraser Catherine Brown and Shirley Howie
Adam Launder Claude Wenzel

2013 AGM | 2014 AGM | 2015 AGM | 2016 AGM | 2017 50th AGM | 2018 AGM | 2019 AGM | 2020 AGM | 2021 AGM | 2022 AGM | 2023 AGM | 2024 AGM